Our activities at Alexis Pointe include:
Gospel Sing-alongs: Provided on the third Thursday of each month from 4:00-4:45 pm Musicians Tom Dawson, Carroll Wilson, Joe Blanford, and Carole Hofstad, volunteer singers from St. Stephen's, and Alexis Pointe residents make a "joyful noise" with favorite hymns. Interested parishioners are welcome to participate.
Bible Study: Provided for memory care residents at 10:00 am on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, led by Community of Hope lay chaplains.
Buddy Program: Volunteers visit at any time during weekdays and serve as buddies to brighten the day of residents in the memory care unit. Buddies and residents visit, often reading, singing, praying, walking, or participating in any desired activity. This program is sponsored by Community of Hope but is open to any interested parishioner.
Music: Carole Hofstad plays the piano for residents monthly. Residents often sing along with her music.
For more information and to volunteer, contact Cassie Gresham.
(En Español)
Amigos de Jesús es un ministerio sin fines de lucro 501(c)3 con las asistencia de varias Iglesias cristianas cercanas. El ministerio se ofrece a la comunidad hispana de Wimberley, basado en la enseñanza encontrada en Mateo 25:40 – “Todo lo que hicieron a mis hermanos a mí me lo hicieron.”
Amigos de Jesús enfoca en cinco asuntos:
El proveer alimentación y necesidades diarias incluso abanicos eléctricos durante el verano y calentadores elétricos durante el invierno
El proveer ayuda con emergencias medicas
El proveer bicicletas
El proveer oportunidades educativas y oportunidades de enriquecimiento
El proveer ropa tales como abrigos invernales y guantas
En general Amigos de Jesús trata de mejorar la cualidad de la vida de los servidos. Además Amigos de Jesús apoya y coordina con grupos tales como el Barnabas Connection y el ministerio de la Iglesia Cypress Creek de Actos Buenos y Semillas Buenas.
Para más información, contacta con: Mike Kemp.
(In English)
Amigos de Jesus is a St. Stephen's outreach ministry and a 501(c)(3) non-profit with assistance from a number of different Christian area churches. The ministry reaches out to the Hispanic community in Wimberley. Its mission is based upon Matthew 25:40: "Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me."
Amigos de Jesus efforts are focused in 5 areas:
Providing food and daily essentials including electric fans in the summer and electric heaters in the winter
Helping with emergency medical issues
Providing bikes
Providing educational and enrichment opportunities
Providing clothing such as winter coats, gloves, etc.
In general Amigos de Jesus attempts to improve the quality of life of those we serve. In addition, Amigos de Jesus supports and coordinates with such groups as the Barnabas Connection and the Cypress Creek Church ministry of Good Deeds and Good Seeds.
For information, please contact Mike Kemp.
The Wimberley Crisis BreadBasket is comprised of neighbors helping neighbors by providing food and encouragement. Their mission is:
To provide food on a short-term basis for economically disadvantaged persons and families who reside in the Wimberley, Texas area, and who shall list a Wimberley, Texas address and telephone number, if available or live in the WISD School district.
To collect, receive and store food donated by any person, firm, corporation or charitable institution.
To accept monetary donations from any person, corporation or charitable institution for the purchase of food or to defray expenses of the Crisis Bread Basket.
To encourage and provide support for families with long-term needs to transition to other agencies.
Also, we have a new opportunity to work with Crisis Breadbasket and our brothers and sisters from several other Wimberley churches to provide food to needy school children during the Christmas holidays. Deliveries will be made on December 22nd and 29th. Pick-up will be made at Crisis Breadbasket by 11:00am each of those days. This food distribution will be much like the one we did over the summer months.
For more information contact
A group of volunteers of all ages meets on a project-by-project basis to maintain the various gardening areas around the church campus, including the Courtyard and Nursery gardens. Projects are underway on select Saturdays.
For more information, contact: Joe Blanford.
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers stop coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues and you feel alone. Often, friends and family want to help you, but don’t know how. That’s the reason for GriefShare.
Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we’ve been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
Our group provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend in a safe confidential environment.
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church's next thirteen week GriefShare Session begins Tuesday, August 1 and continues thru Tuesday, October 17, from 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm in McArthur Hall. The weekly sessions are designed to be “self-contained” and yet “open” like an emergency room, meaning that a person can join at any point during the 13-week cycle. Some participants have repeated the sessions. Timing is personal to grief.
If you, or someone you know, feel you might benefit from these sessions, please contact Evie Martin or call St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Office, 512.847.9956, to leave your contact information.
Wear the vest!
Discover the before and after of Roadside Cleanup!
Would you like to make a difference to our beautiful Wimberley Valley Community? Discover the before and after of Roadside Cleanup. We clean two sections of highway (about five miles) four times a year as part of the Texas Department of Transportation's "Adopt a Highway" Program. Serve God, our wonderful church and community, and get gentle exercise and fresh air all at the same time? After no more than two hours our roadside is transformed. This will put a smile on your face. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Plan to join us for the remaining dates in 2023:
September 9
December 9
St. Stephen’s Santa ministry was created to help provide needy families in the Wimberley community with gifts and food for Christmas. The children of these families are “adopted” by our church members, who then donate money or purchase gifts for them. All gifts, along with a full Christmas meal, will be delivered to the families before Christmas Day. The Santa Ministry is an opportunity for EVERYONE to take part in the spirit of giving during the Christmas season.
Thank you for a great 2022 helping the Santa Ministry. In 2023, watch for:
“Adopt" a family by taking an ornament off the tree in the Chapel or Church
narthex -
Bring gifts to McArthur Hall by the designated date
Make monetary donations in any amount
Donate gift wrapping supplies: boxes, wrapping paper, tape, etc.
Wrap gifts and/or sort food on immediately following both services
on a Sunday soon thereafter
Volunteers are also needed to help shop for gifts, and on Santa Distribution Day directing traffic and load gifts. For more information, contact Sharon Krebs.