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Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, March 28, and leads us to Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. This year, due to the pandemic, we will have a blend of online and in-person ways for you to participate. Please remember that for all in-person activities and services, Diocesan guidelines stipulate that a face mask be worn at all times while on the church grounds and property, as well as the requirement to maintain social distancing. Online Holy Eucharist services may be viewed 24/7 on their respective Holy Days. If you prefer attending in-person, a Holy Eucharist service is available in the Courtyard at 11:30 a.m. on Palm Sunday, March 28 and at 12 noon on Wednesday, March 31 at the Labyrinth.





10:30 a.m. Online

11:30 a.m. Courtyard

The Palm Sunday Holy Eucharist service includes the reading of The Passion of  Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark at both the 10:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. services. The 11:30 a.m. service also includes a non-traditional procession, standing in place. Fr. Kevin will walk around the crowd processing the palms.


12 noon Labyrinth

New this year will be a Eucharist Service held at the Labyrinth at 12 noon. This special service is sponsored by the Daughters of the King and Fr. Kevin. The service is geared for adults. However, children are welcome.


Recorded, viewable 24/7

The Maundy Thursday service will be held virtually on YouTube and Facebook and may be viewed at any time. The service includes a sermon by Fr. Kevin and the Stripping of the Altar. Click here for the order of worship.


A special Maundy Thursday TAKE 5 episode is available on YouTube.


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will hold a prayer vigil between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.


Recorded, viewable 24/7

The Good Friday service is a continuation of our Maundy Thursday service and includes the reading of The Passion Narrative, a sermon by Fr. Kevin, and music by Anne Jones. It may be viewed at any time on YouTube and Facebook.


A special Good Friday TAKE 5 episode is available on YouTube.

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