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Taizé Service
Wednesday, February 1, 6:30 pm


Open to the Public!


The St. Stephen's Nature Trail was built in 2002-2003 by the Trailblazers and is maintained by this ministry.  The Trail is open to the general public dawn to dusk year-round. It is about two miles long.


Along the way you will notice bas-relief ceramic icons, representing the 14 Stations of the Cross on the way up the hill and the 14 Stations of the Cross on the way down. The icons were designed by a group of St. Stephen’s artists under the direction of Carroll Dolezal. The niches protecting the icons were constructed by the Trailblazers, as was the outdoor chapel.


There is also an area on the trail, past the fountain, that is dedicated to all Episcopal priests who have served St. Stephen’s.


Come enjoy this trail, a place of relaxation, meditation, and connection with the beautiful surroundings of the Wimberley Valley.

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Along the St. Stephen's Nature Trail, you will find our Labyrinth. It is open the public from dawn to dusk year round. By walking our replica of the Chartres Labyrinth, laid in the floor of Chartres Cathedral around 1220, you are rediscovering a long forgotten mystical tradition that is insisting to be reborn.  The Labyrinth is an archetype, a divine imprint, found in all religious traditions in various forms around the world.  


Guidelines for the walk: Clear your mind and become aware of your breath. Allow yourself to find the pace your body wants to go. The path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for where we are in our lives; it touches our sorrows and releases our joys. Walk it with an open mind and an open heart. You may “pass” people or let others step around you, whichever is easiest, at the turns. The path is two-way; those going in will meet those coming out. React or respond in whatever way feels natural when this happens, as two pilgrims meeting on a journey.


You may think of walking the labyrinth in three stages:

  1. Purgation: a releasing, a letting go of the details of your life. This is an act of shedding thoughts and emotions. It quiets and empties the mind as you walk into the labyrinth.

  2. Illumination: may occur when you reach the center. Stay there as long as you like. It is a place of meditation and prayer. Receive what is there for you to receive.​

  3. Union: which is joining God, the divine healing force at work in the world. Each time you walk out of the labyrinth you become more empowered to find and do the work you feel your soul reaching for.


Pillars of Joy on the

St. Stephen's Nature Trail


In recognition and celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary, Art and Marie Crowe have donated the Pillars of Joy, that are newly constructed on our Nature Trail.


As you visit the nature trail for physical and spiritual growth, go to the pillars and see the eight words that could change your attitude, if not your life. If this piques your interest, stop by the church office for a free copy of The Book of Joy. If you have already read it, they make great gifts.


Thank you, Art, for this beautiful gift to the church, the nature trail, and all who visit here.

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