Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of parish members whose ministry is both sacred and vital. Their duty is to assist the Rector in creating worship services that are spiritual and beautiful. Altar Guild members care for the altar, vestments, and altar linens. They prepare the sanctuary for services, including setting up the altar for the Eucharist and cleaning up afterward. Additionally, they prepare the sanctuary for special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, funerals, and weddings.
These are the folks who not only know the names of the parts of the church but also understand the church seasons, colors, names of vestments, linens, holy hardware, and the most widely used church symbols. Interested? As a team member on the rotating schedule, your shift would usually take two hours a month—one hour to set up and one hour to clean up. On-the-job training and a mentor are provided. Come and volunteer to “take care of the Lord’s table.”
Amigos de Jesus
(En Español)
Amigos de Jesús es un ministerio sin fines de lucro 501(c)3 con las asistencia de varias Iglesias cristianas cercanas. El ministerio se ofrece a la comunidad hispana de Wimberley, basado en la enseñanza encontrada en Mateo 25:40 – “Todo lo que hicieron a mis hermanos a mí me lo hicieron.”
Amigos de Jesús enfoca en cinco asuntos:
El proveer alimentación y necesidades diarias incluso abanicos eléctricos durante el verano y calentadores elétricos durante el invierno
El proveer ayuda con emergencias medicas
El proveer bicicletas
El proveer oportunidades educativas y oportunidades de enriquecimiento
El proveer ropa tales como abrigos invernales y guantas
En general Amigos de Jesús trata de mejorar la cualidad de la vida de los servidos. Además Amigos de Jesús apoya y coordina con grupos tales como el Barnabas Connection y el ministerio de la Iglesia Cypress Creek de Actos Buenos y Semillas Buenas.
Para más información, contacta con: Mike Kemp.
(In English)
Amigos de Jesus is a St. Stephen's outreach ministry and a 501(c)(3) non-profit with assistance from a number of different Christian area churches. The ministry reaches out to the Hispanic community in Wimberley. Its mission is based upon Matthew 25:40: "Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me."
Amigos de Jesus efforts are focused in 5 areas:
Providing food and daily essentials including electric fans in the summer and electric heaters in the winter
Helping with emergency medical issues
Providing bikes
Providing educational and enrichment opportunities
Providing clothing such as winter coats, gloves, etc.
In general Amigos de Jesus attempts to improve the quality of life of those we serve. In addition, Amigos de Jesus supports and coordinates with such groups as the Barnabas Connection and the Cypress Creek Church ministry of Good Deeds and Good Seeds.
For information, please contact Mike Kemp.
A/V Team
Join the A/V team, led by Eli Ridout, to help St. Stephen's with their Sunday live stream. All experience levels with technology are encouraged to volunteer, as the system is highly automated and well-documented. You may train as a team with a friend or family member, and then you and your preferred A/V partner can choose one Sunday a month to serve!
For more information, contact: Eli Ridout.
Alexis Pointe Outreach
Our activities at Alexis Pointe include:
Gospel Sing-Alongs: We gather with the residents every other month on the 2nd Thursday from 4:00-4:45 PM. Musicians Joe Blandford, Tom Dawson, and Carole Hofstad, along with volunteer singers from St. Stephen's and Alexis Pointe residents, make a "joyful noise" with favorite hymns. If you are interested in joining, the Sing-Alongs for 2024 are:
March 14
May 9
July 11
September 12
November 14
December 12 (special Christmas Carol Sing-Along!)
Buddy Program: Volunteers visit during weekdays and serve as buddies to brighten the day of residents in both assisted living and the memory care unit. Buddies and residents visit, read, sing, and pray together. They also take walks around the facility or participate in activities taking place. This ministry is sponsored by Community of Hope but is open to any interested parishioner.
Therapy Dog Visits: Libby, a golden retriever therapy dog, makes twice-monthly visits. She spends time in the residents’ rooms upon request, allowing for one-on-one time.
For more information and to volunteer, contact Cassie Gresham.
Bible Babes
Join the Bible Babes on Monday—a true sisterhood of women who come together to study the Bible, pray, and celebrate our common love of Christ and one another. The group includes women from the Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, and St. Stephen's, and is open to all women!
Bible Babes meet on Monday in the church conference room from 12:00 PM t 1:30 PM from September until May; for more information, contact Becky Denton or Cindy Taylor.
The cemetery ministry is overseen by a board of trustees, which oversees the plot and niche sales and general maintenance of the cemetery grounds of St. Stephen's.
For more information, contact Todd Schmidt.
Christ-Centered Prayer
Christ-Centered Prayer sessions are gatherings where we share our lives, laugh, read messages from inspired contemplatives, and then spend 20 minutes in communal meditation. We pause whatever we are doing to give God our full attention—sitting in silence, loving Him, and allowing Him to love us. Newcomers are always welcome and may receive a brief lesson in contemplative prayer before we meditate.
For those who meditate daily, this practice often brings a sense of well-being. Unlike intercessory prayer, where we pray for others, during meditation we listen—focusing our hearts in gratitude on the indwelling Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, who gives us the very breath of life.
Christ-Centered Prayer meets in person on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm.
For more information, contact Sharon Carter.
Community of Hope International
Community of Hope International equips laypeople to serve in various forms of pastoral care. Pastoral care involves being “present” to individuals or groups in a compassionate, non-controlling manner, offering a listening ear, and representing God through spiritual care. It seeks to respond to the spiritual needs of those being served, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Through ongoing spiritual formation and practical lessons in caregiving, members learn to blend theological insights with real-world experiences of ministry. This enables them to provide spiritual guidance and support in various settings, including but not limited to, those who are homebound, in hospitals, in assisted living, or anyone experiencing illness or loss. Part of this ministry includes regular therapy dog visits to Alexis Pointe Assisted Living and Deercreek Nursing & Rehabilitation.
If you are interested in being part of the Community of Hope International, or if you should have a need for a lay Chaplain, please contact Carolyn Galle, Cassie Gresham, or Marsha Acock.
Communion Bread Bakers
The Wimberley Crisis Bread Basket is comprised of neighbors helping neighbors by providing food and encouragement. Their mission is:
To provide food on a short-term basis for economically disadvantaged persons and families who reside in the Wimberley, Texas area, and who shall list a Wimberley, Texas address and telephone number, if available or live in the WISD School district.
To collect, receive and store food donated by any person, firm, corporation or charitable institution.
To accept monetary donations from any person, corporation or charitable institution for the purchase of food or to defray expenses of the Crisis Bread Basket.
To encourage and provide support for families with long-term needs to transition to other agencies.
Also, we have a new opportunity to work with Crisis Breadbasket and our brothers and sisters from several other Wimberley churches to provide food to needy school children during the Christmas holidays. Deliveries will be made on December 22nd and 29th. Pick-up will be made at Crisis Breadbasket by 11:00am each of those days. This food distribution will be much like the one we did over the summer months.
For more information contact
Crisis Bread Basket
The Wimberley Crisis BreadBasket is comprised of neighbors helping neighbors by providing food and encouragement. Their mission is:
To provide food on a short-term basis for economically disadvantaged persons and families who reside in the Wimberley, Texas area, and who shall list a Wimberley, Texas address and telephone number, if available or live in the WISD School district.
To collect, receive and store food donated by any person, firm, corporation or charitable institution.
To accept monetary donations from any person, corporation or charitable institution for the purchase of food or to defray expenses of the Crisis Bread Basket.
To encourage and provide support for families with long-term needs to transition to other agencies.
Also, we have a new opportunity to work with Crisis Breadbasket and our brothers and sisters from several other Wimberley churches to provide food to needy school children during the Christmas holidays. Deliveries will be made on December 22nd and 29th. Pick-up will be made at Crisis Breadbasket by 11:00am each of those days. This food distribution will be much like the one we did over the summer months.
For more information contact
Cursillo is a Spanish word which means a short course. In this case it is a short course in Christian, Apostolic Living. Participants in the Cursillo weekend gain tools and "rules of life" for living their Christian faith in order to enthusiastically share the joy of knowing Christ with others in their everyday environments. Cursillo is a laity-led weekend and is patterned on Jesus' example of searching out and calling groups of potential leaders, training them and then sending them out to bring the world to Him.
The Cursillo weekend begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon. Participants listen to talks presented by the team members and engage in discussion, study, reflection, fellowship and worship (and enjoy most excellent culinary treats prepared by our diocesan chefs). The weekend begins with introspection and is filled with music, fun, and fellowship with others from across the diocese.
If you are interested in attending a Cursillo or for more information on how to participate please contact Katy Shugart. Our Cursillo reunion group meets on Thursdays at 10:00 AM.
Daughters of the King
The Daughters of the King (DOK) is a group of women participating in various ministries of the church who meet together and pray for the mission of the church, with an emphasis on the sevenfold gifts of the spirit.
The Daughters of the King is a sisterhood of members who have trained for three months and vow to observe the Order's Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service, the Benedictine Rule of Life. The focus of this group is prayer and ministry.
For information on how to participate contact Robyn Bitzkie.
Youth Ministry
Our Youth Group for grades 6 - 12 meets every Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
in the Log Cabin.
This program supports older children as they personalize and own their faith, helping them pursue an authentic faith experience and discover their personal mission. Each meeting begins with a dinner meal.
To learn more, get in touch with our Youth Minister, Fr. Tim Swan.
Children's Ministry
We’re excited to share our upcoming schedule for the Children’s Ministry! There are plenty of fun and engaging activities planned for the remainder of the year.
We invite all families to participate and encourage your children to join in the fun! For a detailed schedule, please click the link below.
Gardening Angels
A group of volunteers of all ages meets on a project-by-project basis to maintain the various gardening areas around the church campus, including the courtyard and nursery gardens. Projects are underway on select Saturdays.
For more information, contact Joe Blanford.
Great Generations
Great Generations Gathering provides a welcoming space for both retired and non-retired individuals to connect, share life experiences, and give thanks to God. Everyone is invited with no obligations to participate.
We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am for fellowship, short programs, and music. A luncheon is provided, with the main course funded by an optional "kitty," and sides and desserts contributed by attendees.
This ministry has been meeting for over 10 years, fostering loving relationships and community within our parish.
For information on how to participate contact Carroll Dolezal.
GriefShare is a support group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. After the funeral, when others return to their normal lives, your grief continues, and you may feel alone. Our group, led by people who have experienced loss and rebuilt their lives, offers understanding, encouragement, and a safe space to heal.
We provide help for those grieving a spouse, child, family member, or friend. The 13-week sessions are self-contained and open, allowing participants to join at any time. Some people choose to repeat the sessions, as the timing of grief is personal.
If you, or someone you know, feel you might benefit from these sessions, please contact Evie Martin.​
Helping Hands
This ministry helps with the upkeep of church grounds and facilities, as well as assisting church members with home maintenance needs.
Whether it's painting a room at the church, trimming trees, or providing basic maintenance or overseeing contractors for home projects, we are here to help.
Contact Terry Jordan to volunteer, or if you need our Helping Hands.
Holy Grounds
Join the Holy Grounds team and help welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Stephen’s after the 10:30 AM Sunday service with a coffee social. Many in our congregation share their gift of hospitality through this Coffee Hour ministry. Hosts volunteer as often as they wish by signing up for a specific date. Your help is always appreciated!
For information on how to participate contact
Kitchen Angels
We all enjoy the snacks provided in McArthur Hall during coffee hour and church special events. Back in the kitchen, there is another group of volunteers, the Kitchen Angels, that keep the pantries, counters, sinks, appliances, and linens neat, tidy, and organized. This sparkling ministry even takes home a full laundry basket of soiled dish towels to wash, dry, fold, and then return to McArthur Hall for the next round of snacking.
If you are interested in signing up solo or with a buddy, you, too, can gain the sweet title of “Kitchen Angel.” Training and instructions are readily available. For more information contact Evie Martin and Mary McIntosh.
Men's Bible Study
The Men's Tuesday Bible Study group is a fellowship of men who come together to discuss their learnings, share insights, and grow spiritually in a confidential and supportive setting. This ecumenical group includes members from St. Stephen’s as well as from other religious affiliations.
Contact Dick Dziezyk for more information.
Order of Naucratius
The Order of Naucratius is an organization of hunters and anglers who share their harvests with those in need. Throughout the Gospel accounts, Jesus takes food, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to the people. This act is not His alone; He also instructs His followers to do the same. In following the Lord's command to "do this in remembrance of me," the Order of Naucratius continues this tradition of giving and sharing with others.
St. Stephen's chapter of the Order of Naucratius supports Amigos de Jesus or other food distribution organizations. For more information on how to participate, contact Dave Boyd.
Prayer Shawl
Prayer shawls are lovingly made and given to individuals facing medical or life challenges, as a tangible reminder that they are being prayed for and cared for.
These shawls also provide warmth in cold hospital rooms, offering comfort during difficult times. We meet every Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in McArthur Hall at the church.
Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, we welcome you to join this meaningful ministry. If you’re just learning to knit or crochet, we’re happy to guide you through any challenges. And if you’re a pro, we’d love your expertise and your help in teaching others. Everyone is welcome!
For information on how to participate contact Nancy Henson.
Prayer Warriors
Through intercessory prayer, the Prayer Warriors fulfill all requests for parishioners, their families, and former parishioners who are in need of prayer. More than 150 Prayer Warriors pray for each person on our prayer list.
To request prayers, use the button provided, or email the Church Office.
Roadside Cleanup
Discover the before and after of Roadside Cleanup!
Would you like to make a difference to our beautiful Wimberley Valley Community? Discover the before and after of Roadside Cleanup. We clean two sections of highway (about five miles) four times a year as part of the Texas Department of Transportation's "Adopt a Highway" Program.
Serve God, our wonderful church and community, and get gentle exercise and fresh air all at the same time? After no more than two hours our roadside is transformed. This will put a smile on your face. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Save the dates on your calendar for all of the 2025 cleanups!
February 22
June 21
September 13
December 13
For more information on how to participate contact Todd Schmidt or Shirley Richardson Torok.
The Seekers is a group of women who meet weekly to study the Bible and other insightful books from diverse sources and religions, enriching our Christian journey. Open to all women!
For more information, please contact Nancy Jenkins.
Santa Ministry
St. Stephen’s Santa Ministry was created to bring joy and support to families in need within the Wimberley community during the Christmas season. Church members "adopt" children from these families, donating money or purchasing gifts for them. Along with the gifts, a full Christmas meal is provided and delivered to the families before Christmas Day.
The Santa Ministry offers a meaningful opportunity for everyone to get involved in the spirit of giving, ensuring that those in need experience the love and warmth of the holiday season. It is a cherished tradition that allows our congregation to make a tangible difference in the lives of local families.
Plan to help with the Santa Ministry in 2024:
“Adopt” a family by taking an ornament from the tree in the Chapel or Church narthex
Bring gifts to McArthur Hall by the designated date
Make monetary donations of any amount
Donate gift wrapping supplies: boxes, wrapping paper, tape, etc.
Wrap gifts and/or sort food immediately following both services on a Sunday soon thereafter
Your participation helps ensure that every family experiences the joy and love of the holiday season. Thank you for your generosity!
Volunteers are also needed to help shop for gifts and on Santa Distribution Day directing traffic and load gifts. For more information, contact Sharon Krebs.
The Nature Trail at St. Stephen's was created by the Trailblazers, a dedicated ministry responsible for its upkeep and continued care, under the leadership of Art Crowe. Built in 2002-2003, the Trail is open to the public year-round, from dawn to dusk, and spans about two miles.
As you walk along the trail, you’ll encounter bas-relief ceramic icons representing the 14 Stations of the Cross, with 14 stations on the way up the hill and another 14 on the way down. These beautiful icons were designed by St. Stephen’s artists, guided by Carroll Dolezal. The Trailblazers also constructed the niches that protect the icons and built the outdoor chapel, creating spaces for reflection and prayer. Additionally, a dedicated area past the fountain honors all Episcopal priests who have served St. Stephen’s.
The Trailblazers ministry continues to ensure that the Nature Trail remains a sacred and serene space for the community to connect with nature, spirituality, and the rich history of St. Stephen’s.
Gentle Yoga
Join us for Gentle Yoga, offered both on the mat and in the chair. Please bring your own mat. Classes are held on Tuesdays at 4:00 PM in McArthur Hall. Pay what you want, with a portion of the proceeds donated to the church.
All are welcome to Gentle Yoga, whether you're a beginner or experienced practitioner. These classes are open to the public and designed for all abilities. No prior experience is necessary. We use yoga to sharpen our focus, improve posture, and soothe both physical and emotional aches and pains.
For those interested in additional yoga routines to practice on their own, check out the Gentle and Chair Yoga YouTube playlists below. These recorded videos can be viewed in any order.
For more information, contact Carla Daws.