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We have volunteer opportunities for all ages to help on Sunday. Whether you enjoy greeting visitors, running livestream equipment, working in the kitchen, arranging altar flowers, or reading during the service - there's a place for you.

How to Serve
Join Us by Serving on Sundays!


Acolytes, starting at age eight, can serve at the altar. Training is provided by fellow acolytes and the acolyte leader. Acolytes are scheduled quarterly and may participate in special services such as Christmas and Easter.


For more information, contact the church office.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a dedicated group caring for the altar, vestments, and altar linens. They prepare the sanctuary for services, including the Eucharist, and special occasions like Christmas, Easter, funerals, and weddings.


For more information, contact Sondra Blanford or Mary McIntosh.


A/V Team

Join the A/V team to help with our Sunday live-stream. The system is easy to learn, and training is provided. Serving on the A/V team is a great way to pair up with a friend or family member.


For more information, contact Eli Ridout.


Lay Lectors & Leaders​

Lay Readers (Worship Leaders) and Lectors are volunteers who lead and participate in reading during services. Lay Readers lead public worship, while Lectors read the Lessons and Prayers of the People. Training and licensing are provided.


For more information, contact Charlotte Carter, Dean of Lay Ministries.


Lay Eucharistic Ministers & Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) serve the chalice of wine at Holy Eucharist, while Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) bring communion to the homebound. Training and licensing are provided.For more information, contact Charlotte Carter, Dean of Lay Eucharistic Ministries.



Greeters welcome and invite the congregation and visitors to participate fully in the life of St. Stephen's. They offer name tags, introduce visitors to members and facilities, and encourage visitors to complete an information card.


For more information, contact Jeannetta Watson.



Ushers help people feel welcome by distributing service leaflets, assisting worshipers in finding seats, guiding them to communion, taking up the offering, and straightening the worship space after services.


For more information, contact Bob Harris (10:30 AM worship) or David Boles (8 AM worship).

6000 FM 3237

Wimberley, Texas 78676

(512) 847-9956

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